Developer Hub
Are you a developer looking to use as a platform, or extend its functionality? There are two routes to do this: using the API and/or adding custom code to your automations. We hope the resources below can help you get started.
We are always looking for new ideas on how we can make work best for users like yourself - do you have feedback, a feature request, or simply want to share what you're working on with us? Let us know over in our community (opens new window) or by using our contact us form. All feedback is reviewed by the team on a weekly basis.
# Getting started with the API
Head over to our API documentation to learn about:
- Key management.
- Requests and responses.
- Queue management and rate limits.
Looking for more concurrency?
Check out our What's coming in 2025 article to learn more about the improvements that we are working on. Contact us if you wish to discuss signing up to the beta.
# Getting started with custom code
The Write JavaScript step can be used to write Javascript that is run on the page that the automation is active on (or in the desktop application using the "Run in app" option).
We provide various code snippets that can be used as-is, or modified to your needs, to be used within your automations:
# Guides
Our guides are a great place to learn more about implementing third-party services into your automations that may not officially be supported.
Yes, you may need a subscription to access the API. See our pricing page for more details on plans that include access to the API. Free plans do not have access to the API.
No. The "Write Javascript" step is available on all plans.
Yes. We implement rate limits on all accounts to ensure the availability of resources and protect our systems. Please visit our rate limit documentation for more details.
Yes. We implement a queue system to allow for a small number of requests to be carried out, even if your account has hit it's concurrency limit. Please visit our queue documentation for more details.
Can't find what you're looking for or want to share something you've worked on? Let us know in our community (opens new window)